
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Travel & Phrasal Verbs

Travel Handout

Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verb is the name given to an English verb which is composed of two or three words. One verb is combined with a preposition (like on, in, under) or an adverb (like up, down, away). Sometimes a phrasal verb can have a meaning that is very different to the meaning of at least one of those two or three words separately


From Quizizz
Phrasal Verbs            625191
Phrasal Verbs 2          313666

Friday, September 15, 2017

TV & Movies

Handout - Vocabulary and Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions
Movie Questions
  1. What are your favorite and least favorite types of movies? Why?
  2. What is your all-time favorite movie?  Who was in it?   Why did you like it?
  3. What is your favorite recent movie? Who was in it?   Why did you like it?
  4. Which movie have you seen the most number of times?  How many times? Why?
  5. Which movies do you remember watching when you were a child?
  6. Do you like to watch horror movies?  Why or Why not?
  7. Do you prefer to watch movies at a movie theater, on a TV, or on a phone? Why?
  8. What snacks do you usually eat during a movie?
  9. Do you prefer Korean films or international films? Have you seen any BIFF movies?
  10. What are the scariest movies you have ever seen? the funniest? best date movie?
  11. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
  12. What was the last movie you saw? Was it good?  Who did you see it with?
  13. Who are your favorite actors or actresses?  What movie star would you most like to meet?
  14. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
  15. Do you like documentaries?
  16. Do you cry easily at movies? Which movies have made you cry?
  17. What kind of movie would you like to star in? Why?
  18. If they made a movie about YOU, who should they choose to star in it?

TV Questions

  1. How many hours of TV do you watch each week? Do you watch live, on demand, or online?
    What are your favorite TV shows?  Why do you like them?
  2. Do you prefer dramas, comedies, reality shows, talk shows, etc.?
  3. Do you like ___? (Insert the name of a TV show, actor, actress.)
  4. Do you think there is too much violence/sex on TV?  not enough?
  5. What TV commercials do you like/dislike?  Why?
  6. What do you think about reality shows?
  7. Would you participate in a reality show if you were invited? Which one?
  8. Do you like watching TV alone or others? Do you like to talk during TV shows?
  9. Who controls the remote control in your home?
  10. Which shows do your family members like that you don’t like?
  11. Which shows do you learn the most from? What are the most brainless shows you like to watch?
  12. Do you like watching Awards shows?
  13. Have you ever been a member of a fan club for an actor or actress?
  14. What were your favorite TV shows when you were young?
  15. How has TV changed since your childhood?
  16. How do you think TV in your country is different from TV elsewhere?
  17. Do you watch ‘foreign’ TV shows?  Which ones?
  18. Why do you think Korean TV shows have become so popular in other countries?
  19. Do you ever binge watch TV shows?
  20. How much time do you spend watching online videos (like Youtube)?  What kind of videos?