
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Welcome to EGL 114 (Fall 2019)

EGL 114

Conversation II
Fall 2019
Busan University of Foreign Studies
Instructor: Jeff Lebow Office: D571  Email: 
Office Hours: Wednesdays 4-5pm, Fridays 2-4pm and by appointment 

Course Website >>>
Group Notes:  EGL 114-01           EGL114-07
Class Bands:   EGL 114-01           EGL114-07
Quizlets:           EGL114-01

This course is designed to help students become better English speakers. The various topics covered allow the student to gain accuracy and fluency in English. During these 16 weeks, this course aims to build the student’s oral proficiency, as well as to enhance reading and listening skills.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Past Tense Guide & Activities

Types of Past Tense

1. Simple Past I went to university in Philadelphia.   

2. Past Progressive (Past Continuous)  + Simple Past
 I was walking to the library when I saw her.   

3  Past Habitual

I used to eat an entire large pizza by myself when I was a teenager. 

4. Present Perfect

 I have been married for 19 years. 

 5. Past Perfect

 I had known my wife for 6 months when we decided to get married. 


Assignment: Timeline Sentences

On your personal Google Doc Notes, write at least 10 sentences based on your 'Life Timeline'. Use a variety of tenses and prepositions. Do you best to use correct grammar,but focus more on being interesting than being perfect :)

Jeff’s Example

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Popular Media

Talk Shows
YouTube Channels
International YouTubers
Language Learning

Podcasts with Transcripts
Selected Faves
Language Podcasts
Instagram Accounts  (EnglishwithJeff is following)
Vocabulary Level Tests

Sunday, September 1, 2019

EGL114: Week#1 & Week#2

We will spend the first two weeks of  class getting acquainted with each other and getting oriented to the course methods and tools.

In class:  Acquaintance Jigsaw

By September 6
  ➤ Join the EGL 114  Band for your class EGL 114-01     EGL114-07
➤ Get a Gmail account and install these apps: Google Drive, Docs, Translate.
➤  Complete the Entrance Questionnaire

By September 15, 11:59pm
➤  Post a 1~5 minute INTRODUCTION VIDEO to the your class BAND You can take a ‘selfie video’ with your phone or get help from a friend.
The goal is help us get to know each other. Be as creative as you like!  (e.g. answer several of the ‘getting acquainted’ questions, give a tour of your home, take us out with you on Friday night, introduce us to your family during Chuseok, tell us about (or show us) what you do in your free time, etc.

Requirements:  You need to make an on-camera appearance and you need to be speaking English most of the time.  Please don’t read or memorize what you say. 

If you have any problems uploading the video to the Band, email the file to Jeff at

Sunday, June 2, 2019

THE EGL113 Final Experience

EGL113 Final Experience

June 10: No Regular Class, Prep for upcoming tasks,
Optional Conferences 
June 11: EGL13-10 Talk Show, Episode#2
June 13: EGL113-11 Talk Show, Episode#2
 by June 16: Self-analysis of Talk Show should be emailed to Jeff
(EGL113-11) June 17: Short Vocab Quiz, Selfie Videos (no class June 20)
(EGL113-10) June 18: Short Vocab Quiz, Selfie Videos  (no class June 17)

June 19 and beyond: Have a great summer!

Talk Show, Take#2 (June 11/13)
You will work in the same groups you did during our first talk shows (week#14). Topics should be posted to the band by June 10 and include an overview, vocabulary words, questions, and links. Talk shows should last 5~7 minutes/person and participants should try to evenly divide ‘talk time’. Two participants should audio record the discussion, just in case there’s a technical issue.

Once your recording is posted, please (actually) listen to your own group and write self-feedback about your language usage, speaking style and group dynamics. Be as specific as possible. Was there anything different from the previous talk show? These comments can be posted on the Band post or emailed to Jeff at
Due: June 16, 11:58 pm

Vocabulary Quiz (June 17/18)
A short Quiz based on vocabulary from the EGL113 Quizlet.

Selfie Videos  (June 17/18)

Either alone or in groups of 2-3, you will record video of yourselves answering three questions.
  • Questions#1 and #2 will come from discussion questions we've covered during the semester.
  • Question#1 you can choose beforehand and practice. Question#2 will be selected for you by Jeff.
  • Question#3 will be a totally new question that we have not covered in class.
Answers to each question should last 1~2 minutes / person.
Please sign up by June 10 to indicate if you’re doing this alone or with partner(s) and what your Question#1 is. 
 Sign-up here.
Megalist of Discussion Questions

Optional Conferences (June 10~June 18)
If you would like to meet with Jeff to discuss anything about this course, your studies, and/or life, feel free to sign up. This will not affect your grade one way or another. Sign-up here by June 6.

Talk Show & Selfie Video
  • Show your best conversation skills 
  • Authentic, interactive discussion 
  • Preparing a few notes and/or talking points is OK, but….
  • NO Monologues NO Reading NOT Memorized. NO Repeat topics 
  • Speak as clearly and naturally as possible 
  • Be interested and interesting . Have fun… or at least sound like you are :)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Knocking Down the House - AOC

Wikipedia:  Regular  Simple
Knock Down the House (Netflix)

Discussion Questions
  • Who are leaders (political or otherwise) that you think are inspiring?
  • How do you feel about public speaking? How about one-on-one sales?
  • Have you ever like someone older or more powerful was condescending to you?
  • What has been your most satisfying accomplishment?
  • If you were to run for political office, which issues would you focus on?
  • Which politicians do you think are the most (or least) authentic? Why?
  • Would you ever consider being a politician?
  • Do you think your elected officials represent you well? Why or why not?
  • How would you like to see elected officials look and act?

Monday, May 13, 2019

Social Media & The Social Credit System

Social Media Discussion Questions
  1. Which social networking sites do you use? Why those? or why don’t you use any?
  2. On which sites and apps do you rate things or give feedback?
  3. How do you decide whether to ❤, 👍, or 👎 something?
  4. Do you think ‘personal ratings’ are a good idea? Why or why not?
  5. What about as part of the gig economy or service sites like Uber?
  6. What information are you comfortable posting publicly? with sns contacts?
  7. What motivates you to post things online? What do you post?
  8. Does using SNS result in any stress, self-doubt, or insecurities?
  9. Do you have friends that are primarily ‘online friends’?
  10. What have been the most meaningful experiences you’ve had online?
  11. What have been some of the worst experiences you’ve had online?
  12. How much do you notice or care about who and how much people respond to your posts?
  13. How do you feel about interacting with your parents and other family members online?
  14. Is there any difference between the ‘real you’ and ‘social media’ you?
  15. Do you know people whose real lives are very different from the life they show online?
  16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a system like the one shown in Black Mirror?
  17. Do you think a system like that could/will happen in the real world?
  18. (after listening to podcast)
  19. What do you think of a social credit system?
  20. How would you design one? What would you give + or - points for?
Landlord: the person who owns the property that others rent
Lease: a contract between the owner of a property and the person renting it
tenant: A person who pays rent to live in somewhere
up for grabs: available for anyone and not yet claimed
drill down into the numbers: to do more analysis into data or statistics
trajectory: the path followed by an object moving through space
peripherals: Additional components besides the main parts of something
boost: 증대시키다, increase, raise, amplify
confined: limited, restricted
reciprocal: mutual, shared, done in return
velocity: the speed of an object in a particular direction
slow poke: someone who moves slowly
Catch you later:  See you later
to kiss ass:  to say or do nice things to someone because the are your superior and you hope to please them
unparalleled metrics:  data results that are different from all others
romantic genesis: the beginning of a romantic relationship
minor dings:  small incidents of damage

Dark Mirror: Nosedive  Episode Information

NPR The IndicatorChina's Social Credit System  (Transcript)

More podcasts

Monday, April 29, 2019

Love, Relationships, & Speed Dating

  1. How much time and energy do you spend thinking about love and romance?
  2. Describe the character of the person you would like to date?
  3. Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?
  4. What’s most important to you in a partner: appearance, money, personality, family background, ...?
  5. Would you consider dating someone of a different religion and/or nationality?
  6. Do you like to stay in touch with former significant others or not? Why?
  7. Describe your perfect date.
  8. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? If so, where did you meet your him/her? Why did you decide to date him/her? What do you like most about this person?
  9. How old were you when you went on your first date?
    Where did you go?, What did you do? , Who did you go with?
  10. When did you first experience ‘true love’?
  11. Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever experienced it?
  12. Who usually pays when you go out on a date? Do you ever "go Dutch" when dating?
  13. What do you do (if anything) to make yourself more attractive before a date?
  14. What’s the age range of someone you’d consider dating? How much older/younger?
  15. What kind of pressure do you get from parents about dating (or not dating)?
  16. At what age do you think it’s appropriate to start dating?
  17. What advice have you received from family and friends about dating?
  18. Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships?
  19. What are the biggest love and dating differences between you and your parents’ generations?
  20. Have you ever been on a blind date? Did you ever arrange a blind date?
  21. How do you feel about going on dates - excited, stressed, no big deal, …?
  22. If you could go on a date with anyone, who would it be?
  23. What are some of the best places to go on a date?
  24. What do you like to talk about when on a date?
  25. What was the most boring/interesting date you've ever been on?
  26. Do you think it’s OK to kiss on a first date?
  27. Do you think it’s OK to ‘ghost’ someone? Have you ever done it? Had it done to you?
  28. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of texting someone you’re interested in?
  29. What do you think about dating apps? Have you or people you know used them?
  30. What’s the best way to meet people you want to date?
  31. Would you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person?
  32. How does a man/woman make a good impression on a first date?
  33. Would you continue dating someone you had been dating for a long time if they joined the army?  How about if they moved far away?
  34. What do you think about dating a friend's ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
  35. When should you introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents? Why?
  36. Do you (or people you know) like to flirt? If so, what do you usually do? Where? With whom? How?
  37. Do you definitely want to get married? If so, at what age would you like to get married?
  38. What are the pros and cons of living ‘solo’ without a significant other?
  39. How do you feel about same sex marriage?
  40. Do you think there’s any difference between heterosexual and homosexual love?
  41. Do you think it’s a good idea to cohabitate (live together) before deciding to get married?
  42. Do you think men and women can be ‘just friends’ with no romantic feelings?
  43. What is your favorite movie or song about love?

Speed Dating Questions
Finding out more about your date:
  1. What makes you happy/sad/angry?  What makes you laugh?
  2. Are you more of a city or country person?
  3. How would your best friend describe you?
  4. What is your dream job?  What are you career plans?
  5. What color best describes your personality?
  6. What are you most passionate about?
  7. What do you consider your best/worst attributes?
  8. When do you feel most like yourself?

Relationship Questions
  1. Why did you and your last boy/girlfriend break up?
  2. Do you want to have children?  How many? Why? How important is family to you?  
  3. Of all the people you know, who has the best/worst relationship? Why?
  4. How do you deal with disagreements in a relationship? Avoidance or confrontation?
  5. What are the most important things you're looking for in a significant other?
  6. Would you prefer to have a career, be a stay-at-home parent, or both?
  7. Describe your perfect date.
  8. Would you need/want to live with (or near) your parents after getting married?
  9. In an argument between your spouse and parent, whose side would you be on?
  10. What are your dating ‘red flags’ or ‘deal breakers’?
  11. How do you think husbands and wives should divide housework and childcare duties?
  12. How often do you want to meet/talk to/text your significant other?
  13. What are your biggest hopes and concerns about getting married?

Finding out about your date's hobbies and interests:
  1. What did you do last weekend?     What do you do for fun?
  2. What song(s) are you listening to these days?
  3. What are your favorite smells?
  4. What is the last movie you saw?
  5. IPhone or Samsung?  Burger or pizza? Mountain or beach? Beer or Soju? Rice or noodles?
  6. Who is your hero or role model?
  7. What book are you reading at the moment?
  8. What is your favorite takeout meal?
  9. Do you like to travel?  Where would you like to go?  What is your favorite place on Earth?

Assorted Questions:
  1. If you won the lottery how would you spend your winnings?
  2. What time in history would you have liked to be born in and why?
  3. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
  4. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
  5. If you have friends coming for dinner what would you cook?
  6. In what ways are you unusual?
  7. Do you think men and women can be ‘just friends’?\

Love & Dating Idioms
Love is blind = when you love someone, you can't see their faults
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder = beauty is subjective
Wear your heart on your sleeve = show other people how you are feeling
catch someone's eye  to be attractive to someone:"The guy at the back of the class caught my eye.
to have a crush on someone = to be consumed by a strong attraction and affection for someone
to have a soft spot for someone = to have a weakness for someone: "She has a soft spot for Richard”
to fall head over heels for someone = to completely fall in love: "He fell head over heels for her."
to be lovey-dovey = for a couple to show everyone how much they are in love:
to have eyes only for = to be attracted to one person only: "He's dropped all his old friends, now that he has eyes only for Susie."
to be smitten by someone = to be in love with someone: "I first met him at a party and from that evening on, I was smitten."
a love-nest = the place where two lovers live: "They made a love-nest in the old basement flat."
to flirt (with somebody) to behave playfully towards another person who you are - or pretend to be - attracted to romantically or sexually.  a flirt a person who likes to flirt
to hit on/come on to: to overtly show interest in someone with the intent of hooking up  - That loser is hitting on me again)
one night stand:  A physical relationship that lasts only one night.
To hook up. To become  involved in a physical relationship (possibly short-term)
To hit if off (or to click):  to get along well with someone, feel chemistry right right away
To pick someone up - to hook up with someone (usually as a one night stand)
to have a fling = a short-term romantic relationship
to get hitched/to tie the knot:  to get married
on again off again relationship. A couple that breaks up and gets back together repeatedly
to be on the rocks  a relationship that is in difficulty: " it was clear their marriage was on the rocks."
To dump or be dumped when one person end a relationship
to have a stormy relationship  a relationship with many arguments:

Love Vocabulary

adore - To like or love very much.
affection - A feeling or emotion of love or happiness. A tender feeling toward another. Fondness.
chemistry/ magic - Used to describe a feeling of love and passion.
cherish - To treat with affection and tenderness or to hold dear. Ex. I cherish our time together.
lust - Intense or unrestrained sexual craving. Ex. I lust for you.
possessive: describes a love interest interest who acts like they ‘own’ their partner
puppy love - A crush or new romance between young people.
spark - An attraction. A feeling of potential. Ex. When we first met, there was an undeniable spark.
significant other: general term for boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse (long term relationship)
PDA - public display of affection
Terms of Endearment
darling , love , pet , babe/baby , cutey pie , honey bunny, angel, sweetie, sweetheart, dear, sugar, hon
lover - A couple in love with one another; a sexual partner. Ex. You are my friend and my lover.