
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Pronuncation Practice, Part #1: Consonants


Practice Sentences

1.It's really too late to wait.
2. What's the lowdown on the raw fish law?
3. After a week, I think these leeks smell really bad. They reek.
4. Sue went to the zoo and saw some sheep.
5. The crew didn't' have a clue.
6. If we flee, we will be free.
7. Did Blake break the plate?
8. Did Susan feel fear when she saw one more mole?
9. It is hailing and it got in my hair. Are you hearing me?
10. The meal was a mere five dollars.
11. There were very many berries in the valley.
12. There's a ban on putting fans in a van.
13. There was a lot of pressure to measure the major explosion.
14. The frog would leap from one small leaf to another .
15. I wish she wasn't a witch.
16. The cab driver wore a cap with a simple symbol.
17.I only have half of the fee.
18. We ditched the party and washed our car.

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